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Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Night Before I Go Home

It has been a very pleasant day with visits from family and friends (Patti, Marina, Rick, and a phone call from a long time friend I hadn't heard from in a long while (Jennie Huang, Hi Jennie!)

Jennie reminded me of an old Buddhist proverb about all life flowing from the same river that gives birth to each of us individually as it flows over waterfalls.  Each drop represents each individual we see in our lives.  At the end of our individual journey, we come back together at the end of the fall and once again rejoin with our companions as the next journey begins to our next destination.

That thought and Jennie's tears moved me to revisit my life in general and my waning spirituality.  Through my early years raised Roman Catholic, to my later years gravitating toward Buddhist philosophies of non-violence and doing good to everyone and everything you meet, I realized that I had strayed from the pathway by forgoing my faith in even the smallest ways.  Simply put, while I have always been a believer in God and Jesus Christ, I had forgone the spiritual necessities of praying and seeking out divine wisdom.

So tonight, for the first time in a very long time, I got up from my hospital bed, got on my knees, and opened my heart and my soul to God.  I asked for forgiveness for my time away from God, I asked for forgiveness for what sins I had committed, and I prayed for the strength to continue to positively influence the lives of those around me and those who believe in me.  I prayed for the strength of my children to continue to be the good and faithful persons they are, but most of all, I prayed for the strength of my beloved wife Emily to be able to continue in my absence whether that time be months or years from now.  In all of my life's trials, I have placed faith in God for my pursuit of a higher purpose in life.  This trial is simply another one I must navigate to find a better understanding of the world we live in, the people we meet in it, and most of all the strength of my own convictions and my soul.

As you think about all I have said tonight, take time to thank a greater power for giving you the chance to experience a life that can be as full as we are willing to make it.  From the simple pleasures of a kiss and a hug to the lifetime commitment to families and friends, we are all truly blessed to have lived lives so full of love, adventures, and the challenges that define who we are and what we will become.


  1. Oh, Dr Wu, I have been so touched by this blog. I've laughed at your silly comments, and cried at the touching comments between you and friends that love you. I want to tell you that you CAN beat this disease no matter what the doctor's report says. It's according to your faith and your attitude. I promise to be a committed prayer warrior in the fight against this terrible attack on your body. I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate you sharing about your choice to start your faith afresh with God, and bring Him into this fight. It says in the Word to "cast all of your cares on me, for I care for you". 1 Pet 5:7
    Sometimes there are so many concerns, we can't bear it. If we just cast it on Him, then He will take it. At that point, when it comes to mind again, just say "no, I don't take that care...God, I gave it to you. Thank you that you took it and are handling it for's NOT my care". It also says "I will perfect that which concerns you". To some people, that seems irresponsible, but it's truly using your faith and denying the disease the right to have your thoughts and fears to control your life. Just encouraging you with promises that you and your family are not alone in this fight. God is there....waiting for you to call on Him, and many friends, coworkers, professionals, family and everyone that loves you are rallying for you! You WILL beat this! We love you so much!

  2. Connie, I plan to fight as hard as is necessary but more important than fighting to stave off death is living as an example of how we should live. I look back on my last 5 years and I am grateful that my philosophies have reflected how I wish that both I and everyone around me should be treated every day of our lives. We sacrifice as much as we can for others so that they may flourish in mind, spirit, and body, using everything from a smile and pat on the back, to words of encouragement, to God's gifts to our hands and our minds to effect a physical repair on our bodies.
    It is my sincere hope that we all remember that no matter what we suffer or how our spirits wane in the grind of our day to day lives, there is never a reason not to smile and laugh with friends and strangers, and always a reason to make people feel good with kind thoughts, kind words, kind actions, and loving prayer. We all believe in God. Sometimes we forget that we need to believe in each other and let our words and actions reflect that faith.

  3. Hi Dr. Wu,

    This is still new to me, I hope this time the comment goes through. We just wanted to tell you don't ever stop fighting, you are an amazing person. We thinking of you often and miss you greatly.

    Love you...
    Marina Lin and Kathy Davis

  4. Dr. Wu,
    I can't speak for others, but you have always treated me that way. I think that's why I was always happy to work with you. I know you are busy, but your caring and considerate side never failed to shine through, and I've never seen you talk down to anyone. That in itself is rare in the medical community...and one I wish more would learn. You inspire me to be a better person. There's no better example of a friend than that. The fighting spirit you've displayed in this battle makes me even MORE proud to call you friend. We love you and you know I'm praying....keep that fighting spirit! We are all on your side!

  5. Dr. Wu,

    Leah said you went home, I hope you are feeling better. Just thought I ask, have you consider Acupuncture or Chinese Herbal doctors?


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